Summer camp 

The Metea Valley Robotics club provides middle school students  a chance to work with high school robotic club mentors in the summer on designing, building, and programing robots.   Middle school students will be placed in a group of other students and a high school mentor. Each day the mentors will have a lesson and activities that will lead to a fully functional robot that will be paired with another group to compete against another set of two teams in the VEX arena. At the end of the 2 weeks your child will be exposed to:

-The Design process   -Vex structure   -Vex programing    -Building  -Testing and troubleshooting  -Driving a robot 

-and finally competing in the vex arena

Summer camp will meet at Metea Valley High School 1801 North Eola Rd. Aurora IL.

Students will Enter Through Door 14, the auditorium entrance on the north side of the building, once inside C124 is the first classroom on your right next to the stairs. 

Metea Valley Robotic Coaches 

 Mr. Schey              Joined the club in 2013 and brings 20       plus years of teaching Engineering, and Digital Electronics class to the club. Mr. Schey also  24 years of coaching experience from Wrestling, football, and track, this gives him valuable experience in building teams and getting the best out of every student. He brings a unique perspective on the competitive aspect of Vex Robotics and has help teams devise strategies for contests and in scouting their opponents and alliances to better compete in the VEX arena.

Ms. McBride Joined in the club in 2022 also from the science Department. She has been eagerly learning about Vex competitions and Vex robotics this year and has shared her knowledge with the club which has been invaluable. Ms. McBride has served as a role model for all our students but especially to our female participants. We all know that STEM occupations have historically been dominated by males it is important for our female students to have Ms. McBride as an example that STEM occupations are for anyone!